Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > thanksgiving and love to love


Thanksgiving on a Winter morning~ living love to love

Nov 28, 2019

Saying For Today: The shift from complaint to thanksgiving is a move away from misery into the bliss of love.

The Touch of Winter

*Brian Wilcox. 'The Touch of Winter'.

The transformation we need is from complaint to gratitude and, thereby, to being gratitude. Here, we do not so much choose to be grateful, we are grateful, we are gratitude. This is the spontaneity of the heart of thanksgiving, wherein one's being overflows, even in silence, with appreciation, with recognition of blessing. Then, we live love to love.

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Mattie the dog awakes me from sleep with her lovely barking, Thanksgiving morning. I get up, check the temperature, dress accordingly, go downstairs, warm up coffee, walk outside mug in hand into the wind, cold, and snow to welcome the day. I walk to the river, standing and breathing heartfully, while looking at the snow being blown and tossed over the river. No one else is in sight. At times, closing the eyes to feel this all happening, to feel the intimacy of winter. I am alone, a comforting aloneness, but not isolated, not apart. I am content here, relishing the chill of wet whiteness dapple my face. I am and am not other than all this. Nothing needs to be said or done, while breathing gratitude in and out, to feel it all around in the Silence of this timeless moment of primal, untouched loveliness. Here, Nature amplifying the Song of Joy living inside the heart, moving with the Quiet, touching all with Grace gracefully. Yes, moving, alive, as surely as the snow flakes blown in this wind live and move all around me and I move and live with each one of them, one Life dancing timelessly, as always yet ever-new. This all only dying to live again, even in moments that I seem separate from this Life and its gratitude. And, thankfully, the glee of gratitude returns, as now, to surprise me again, to show it has never left, only been hidden for a short time.

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The shift from complaint to thanksgiving is a move away from misery into the bliss of love. I, finally, learned this after many years of misery. I learned that we must choose gratitude and, finally, it must be within us, not given by anyone or by circumstances, but given to ourselves, for gratitude is the intimacy of recognizing love as love everywhere. May, within the Silence within, our hearts sing wordlessly and emanate always "Thank You!." For our world much needs this energy and bliss of thanksgiving and beings who are and are becoming hymns to Joy.

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*The theme of "Lotus of the Heart" is 'Living in Love beyond Beliefs.' This work is presented by Brian K. Wilcox, of Maine, USA. You can order Brian's book, An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love, through major online booksellers.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > thanksgiving and love to love

©Brian Wilcox 2024